
'Planet Nine' Video Among Winners of Science Visualization Awards

Is there a far off ninth planet in our nearby planetary group? The short film "Planet Nine" puts forth the defense, and was as of late named the People's Choice for video in the fifteenth yearly Vizzies Challenge.
"Planet Nine" introduces the proof a ninth planet might hover in the most distant spans of the close planetary system, utilizing representations to outline the logical research into where this speculative planet may live. The honor winning film is exhibited as a sky appear at the Adler Planetarium in Chicago.
"Our objective with this show was not to show individuals about Planet Nine, and it surely wasn't to persuade them that the Planet Nine exists, " Patrick McPike, a visual specialist at the planetarium, said in an announcement. "The show is truly about the energy and procedure of the logical disclosure. We trust that the show gets individuals more required in science, regardless of whether that is by taking after science news all the more nearly or by considering it themselves."